Happy (almost) New Year! The New Year is an opportunity to choose to reset. A time to realign with our heart, gut, and mind and focus our way forward. I believe it is first important to look back at 2023 and take some time to review what you’ve been through – whether it was things you struggled with, achieved, received, or new insights and ways of living that emerged for you. I recommend taking 10-15 minutes to jot down a few bullet points of some of the things that unfolded for you in 2023. For me, when I look back I realize I finally manifested my dream of getting my own dog. This was on my dream list for years. Back in 2017 I lived up in the arctic for a year, and the cost of living there is even higher than major cities like Vancouver or Toronto. So, I chose to live with a roommate to save money, and the reason I chose my roommate was they had a dog. I’ve always loved dogs but that first dog Jake that I lived with – a half retriever half Australian Shepeherd who I often took on walks even in -26 degrees weather solidified my desire for my own dog. But it wasn’t as simple as wanting a dog. I needed to have certain things in place – like a home that would let you have a dog! I returned to BC in 2018 and for years I could only find places to live that did NOT allow pets. Then, last year, I decided I wanted to move slightly south from where I was living on Vancouver Island, and my one stipulation was I would ONLY go through the hassle of moving if I found a place that would let me have a dog. I was pretty relentless in my search. It’s a tight market on Vancouver Island, and after a place fell through that I thought was mine, I felt into my disappointment and then kept my search going. I basically drove down to the new town every weekend searching for a place. Then, finally, I found one that allowed dogs and where I got the call that my application was approved. I signed the agreement and was set to move! I originally thought I would need some time to settle in to my new town and surroundings before getting my dream dog. I figured by Fall or Winter (it was a summer move) I’d be ready. Instead, within a few weeks of moving I found myself searching for dogs.I searched via multiple avenues and via multiple lanes of counsel. I looked at several rescue organizations, drove down to my local SPCA, went to visit some breeders nearby and looked at ads ok Kijiji. One ad struck me – a mistake litter. A rough collie escaped and met up with a lab, and the rest was history. I spoke with the owner and had a good feeling about her especially after meeting with several breeders nearby where my instinct just didn’t have a good feeling. My dream dog was a collie lab or collie retriever mix Although I was thinking more about Border Collies and Australian Shepherds, when I saw the Rough Collie lab mix there was one specific pup that really caught my eye. The owner said he was mine if I wanted it. This pup was all the way up North of Kamloops in a town called Barrier that I’d never heard of. A friend said to me that if I really wanted the dog he’d go pick it up for me, as driving that long distance felt outside of my capacity. I decided to say YES to the dog even though I did not have an opportunity to meet him first. Then deeper serendipity unfolded: Somebody I had dog-sat for before who I deeply respected because of how wonderful his dog was; I felt he has done an incredible job at training his dog. So I sent him a message asking for advice. He was generous in his counsel and then asked me, "When do you get your pup?" I replied, "Well, I am still trying to figure it out," and explained how the pup was up north of Kamloops. Then he told me that he was heading that way and offered to pick the pup up for me! The timing and offer was unreal. These are the magical moments I call total synchronicity/serendipity. These are the moments I am so grateful for that are the unexpected magic that help us in our manifestations. And then, on July 11th I got my puppy, who I named Magic :) He’s now just over 8 months and I have been in constant training as I trained him. I’ve taken classes, read books, watched YouTube videos and received counsel from experienced dog owners. Having my own puppy is so different than living or caring for another’s pup. The canine bond is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced (It’s amazing!). I’ve also been met with challenges I never knew I would have to figure out. However, with each challenge, I experiment with several techniques and have always figured it out. Essentially, it is all about building the relationship and learning to communicate with another being. ….Not all that different than figuring out our fellow humans – building a relationship and discovering their communication style 😉 …Ok, it might be a bit different with a dog, but not by much! That whole story was to share how sometimes our goals and wishes can take years to manifest, but if you are clear and focused on the goal, and if the goal is unwavering – it will manifest. And sometimes a dose of synchronicity will swoop in to help make things happen. Manifesting this dream was a combination of intention, action, and good fortune (synchronicity and magic) I've already learned so much - not just in dog training lessons but life lessons...Here's a quick five: 1. Energy matters. 2. Energy is powerful and can direct outcomes. 3. Relationships build with time and learning each others communication style (yes, even with a dog!) 4. Recognizing things are not personal (Especially with a dog, they are just being a dog, but in life, this is a great lesson too.) 5. Be in the moment, enjoy the simple things, and play!! So back to the start of this message, now is a chance to reflect on your life and the past year: Look back at your 2023:
By taking 10-15 minutes to write out and think through this, it will help clarify how you want to direct 2024. So much of life is uncertain and out of our control. However, we can still have focus and direction. We can have an aim, goal, direction, desire, and place our energetic manifestation and action in that direction. We may not know exactly how the outcome will unfold and it may not always come as fast as we want, but taking time to clarify what we want to focus on is powerful and creates the energy to shift things. I'm taking a bet if you look at your own life you will likely see you have already manifested so many things you've hoped for. So instead of a New Year's resolution, I vote for setting intentions, focus, and direction. What is your intention(s) for 2024? What do you want to see more of in your life? What do you want to see less of in your life? What would be a wish come true for 2024? Take 10-20 minutes to daydream and journal the above prompts and anything else coming up for you for your hopes for 2024. Then, take a bit more time to focus in on the things your really want to make happen by prioritizing them, and see if you can map a few steps forward. This is the path of turning a wish in your mind to form in your life. I wish you a wonderful 2024. Also – if you live or visit the Comox Valley, on Vancouver Island BC, Canada, I’m teaching a gentle yoga class on Fridays. Come check it out. If you want one on one support for private coaching to clarify and take action on your goals, intentions and dreams – book a session with me, and let’s move forward together 😊 Love Tova Comments are closed.
December 2023