Living an exceptional, empowered, happy, and healthy life means using every avenue for whole wellness.
If you only eat healthy food, but spend all day thinking negative thoughts, is this true health Sometimes life events can trigger us so badly that in that moment we are not able to shift our focus as quickly as we would like. Our emotions can take longer to resolve than our mind, or intellect would want.
Nature is a primary teacher. We can look all over the place for inspiration, and in search of the secrets of life. However, all you need to do is spend some time in nature to hear the wisdom that comes from being within the stillness and vibrancy that nature has.
“As resistance works to keep us from becoming who we were born to be, equal and opposite powers are counterpoised against it. These are our allies and angels.”
~ Steven Pressfield Have you met with resistance? It can show up in your business, your relationships, your diet, and exercise regime. It’s the excuses and environmental factors we use to explain why we couldn’t work to our fullest potential, and why we couldn’t engage in our yoga or running practice, and why we couldn’t be more present with our loved ones. Did You know Omega-3 fats, such as found in Wild Salmon, Walnuts and Flax Seed Oil, help improve your mood, your cognition, and beautifies your skin, strengthens your hair, and nails? I recommend a tablespoon a day. Here is a simple recipe to get your Happy Healthy Fats in your daily diet.
There are times when a retreat is necessary for substantial relaxation. Going on a retreat need not be an expensive ordeal: I advocate for the self-made retreat where you spend a weekend or week in nature, and devoting that time to practices that will uplift you.
Exercise has been proven to have benefits that go beyond the physical. Exercise has been proven to elevate mood, enhance feelings of self-efficacy, increase self-esteem, increase memory, improve your thinking-abilities, and it is a great way to burn off stress and negativity.
Meditation is a tool that guides us to our true nature. It is a gateway to connecting deep within which is the place of universal wisdom.
With January coming to a close, it's time to reflect on any resolutions you made 29 days ago. Have you been making strides in actively implementing your resolutions, or have you already decided to put your resolutions on hold?
November 2024