I have a whiteboard at home which allows you to write on the wall and then you can wipe it off with a damp cloth. Well, today I decided to clean my whiteboard as I’ve had things up there for months now. Well, let me tell you, it was not easy to wipe those words off the board. The marker seemed to cement itself deep into the white board, and I was scrubbing and scrubbing. I wanted to give up, but as I persisted to scrub, the marker slowly started to make its way off. It occurred to me that this is exactly like what happens when you are trying to create mental white space in your mind to reach a deeper state of clarity. When your mind is cluttered with words, thoughts, stories, and phrases, it is not always so easy to simply “erase now.” Often, it takes persistent, dedicated effort, and a strong scrubbing tool to create that mental white space and clarity. The scrubbing tool you ask? Well, one of the best tools is your breath. The idea is, if you are so focused on your breath, it will be a lot harder to be thinking about anything else. Taking a daily "mental-scrub" through consciously quieting down your mind, is the vehicle to creating mental white space, clarity, and the ability to make better decisions from a quiet and clear mind. I have also found on my white board, that the things I write and wipe away a few minutes or even days later, tend to come off really easily. The things that don’t come off easily are the words and ideas that have been there for months. Those are the ones that stick and need a lot of scrubbing. This is just like your mind. The new thoughts that pop up—the faster you catch them, the faster you can wipe them away before they embed themselves deep in your psyche. However, the old, persistent programs that you have been carrying around for months or years will not wipe away overnight. They actually take time. What I found on my white board is if you keep going, the old words do wipe away. The board becomes white once again. But if you give up early, you will never even avail yourself to the clean empty space you could have created. Creating mental white space happens by taking little daily time-outs, to actively and consciously clear the space in your mind. Take The Challenge: In the comments below, let me know how you plan to create some mental white space in your life, and what is your plan of action to make sure it happens? Stay Tuned for Updates on the Release of My Upcoming Book: Empower Your Health, Empower Your Life Comments are closed.
December 2023