Sometimes when you feel drained, getting up and getting started may be the last thing you want to do. However exercise and movement in general, plays an integral role in our health on every level: physical, mental and emotional. Every step adds up when it comes to your health. Often people feel that if they do not do a “proper” workout, that there is no point in doing one at all. However research has shown how three 10 minute bouts of exercise are as effective as one 30-minute exercise session.
So if you are short on time, slide in 10 minutes throughout your day and recognize that the benefits to your health will pay off! Furthermore, often a 10 minute walk, run or yoga session will energize you to carry on with the many tasks of your day. Getting Started: 4 Step Plan 1. Take Inventory of your current exercise regime of the last 4 weeks. 2. Take Inventory on your current life schedule - work, family, etc.. 3. Look at your list # 1 - if you are exercising less than 30 minutes 5 days a week - the time to increase exercise is now. Then Look at list #2 and take out 2 tasks that eat up your time. 4. Commit to 2 days a week of added movement. You can split the movement up to 10 minute segments 3 times a day or one 30 minute session. Remember to schedule it in your calendar. Comments are closed.
December 2023