The Power of the Body-Mind Interaction How we treat our body has a direct effect on our state of mind. Likewise, our state of mind can majorly influence how we treat our body. For example, if you do not feel good about yourself, it is easy to fall into a cycle of emotional eating. Similarly, when we make unwise food choices such as grabbing a doughnut, this can cause our mood to go from high to low. Essentially how we treat our body effects our mind, and our mind effects how we treat our body. Did You know Omega-3 fats, such as found in Wild Salmon, Walnuts and Flax Seed Oil, help improve your mood, your cognition, and beautifies your skin, strengthens your hair, and nails? I recommend a tablespoon a day. Here is a simple recipe to get your Happy Healthy Fats in your daily diet.
When you go grocery shopping are you reading the labels to see the fiber content?
You should be. This week, let's take a look at the fats that harm. A prime example of a harmful, chemically altered, artificial food is hydrogenated fats.
Is your health on your priority list? If you find that you make the time to go grocery shopping and actually shop for whole natural foods, and make the time to prepare simple healthy meals, then you are on the right track and are certainly making time to bring your health to optimal levels.
Vitamin D first came on my radar when I met with a resident physician who came to see me for a nutritional consultation. He asked my thoughts on Vitamin D. For the most part, I believe on relying on good nutrition for your vitamins and minerals instead of store bought vitamins.
December 2023