Being in Choice: Choosing Your Priorities Everyday:
For the last while music’s been an ally to me. Sometimes, a song would enter my head–A song I barely knew. I’d go on YouTube to find it and within the song was located the message or insight I had been looking for. I came to realize that these inclinations to listen to a song was my intuition’s way of getting in touch with me. The other day the song “The Cats and The Cradle” came into my mind. I had known the song but never heard the lyrics before until the other day. Not only is the song heartbreaking and all-too relatable to likely one too many of us, the depth of the song goes beyond a parent to a child. As I listened and replayed the song, I came to see this is how we relate to so many people in our lives. Especially with Facebook, Instagram, and texting, it’s all too easy to be too busy to make time for people and to say “I don’t know when, but we’ll get together then. You know we’ll have a good time then” (From the song by Harry Chapin)……And then the time never comes, because we’ll always be too busy. The time will never be right. There is always 101 reasons… Then, with social media, and text messages, we can lean on those as a crutch, thinking that will tie us over until we find the time to get together and be with the people who are important to us, and the people we want to get to know and have in our lives. Now of course, texting and social media have their place and help us stay connected especially to those who are far away… But leaning on them, or using them to replace our real life interactions is missing out on one of life’s greatest gifts. We only have one life, and it’s here, right now. In a way we always get second chances, and at the same time, there are no do-overs. This is one of the many paradoxes of life: There is no other day like today. This is it. How do you choose to spend it? Who are you going to allow into your sphere? What will be your priorities today? And, not everyday can it be other people. And some days it can’t even be the people you cherish most. That’s OK. At the same time, it’s helpful to reflect, and make more conscious choices so that you don’t wake up in 2, 3, 5, 10, or 20 years and wonder what if? Or wonder why… Today I can choose to be too busy with the “Planes to catch and bills to pay” (From the song by~Harry Chapin) or I can choose to meet up with a friend. Sometimes we have to choose the planes and the bills, but I know for me, this song is a wonderful reminder to be more conscious in my choices. Sometimes our priorities will be quiet time/time alone to recharge our batteries. Sometimes our priorities will be the bills and the chores. Sometimes our priorities will be going out and having fun. Sometimes our priorities will be being there for another: whether that’s a friend, family, or acquaintance who needs our support. What’s important is taking the time to reflect and assess if your actions are truly a reflection of your priorities. As long as we’re awake, aware, and reflecting on what’s important, is really all that matters…and a sacred takeaway from this song. Because it’s a pity if life passes us by and we neglect the things we say we cherish most. Our greatest alignment happens when what we say matches what we do. When our heart, mind, and soul align with our actions. And, as always, it’s important that even this–is a practice. This isn’t about being perfect. It’s about being aware so that we can make better choices one day at a time. All we have is today and the choices we make today. Take Action: Quick 4-step plan to put your priorities into action:
December 2023